essential oils 13ml

Basil     Was A$ 16.95 A$ 15.25  
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Ocimum basilicum

A very pleasant, sweet and light refreshing odour.

Basil is an analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, digestive and expectorant herb.

It is reputed to clear head, relieve intellectual fatigue, and give the mind strength and clarity. It may be used in all types of nervous disorders, especially those associated with weakness, indecision, or hysteria.

Because of its antispasmodic properties, widely used for respiratory system problems, such as; astma, sinus congestion, influenza, bronchitis and whooping cough.. Also it is known to be effective for treating menstrual problems such as scanty periods.

It is best to avoid in pregnancy.

Bergamot     Was A$ 14.95 A$ 13.45  
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Citrus aurantium

Light, delicate and refreshing. Similar to lemon and orange with a slight floral overtone.

Analgesic, antidepressant, antispetic,carminative, deodorant, digestive, sedative, stomachic, tonic and vulnenary.

It is a gentle and flowery fragrance. It is a sedative and yet uplifting oil and ideal for use in an oil burner, bath or in a massage for anxiety, depression and nervous tension.

Its cooling and refreshing qualities seem to soothe anger and frustration.

Cedarwood     Was A$ 8.95 A$ 8.05  
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Cedrus atlantica

Cedrus atlantica produces a deep amber viscous oil with a warm, camphoraceous top note and sweet tenacious, woody-balsamic base note.

Antiseptic, antringent, diuretic,expectorant, insecticide and sedative.

It is warming, harmonising, calming and soothing and good for nervous tension and anxiety.

It known to ber good for respiratory system problems such as; bronchitis, coughs ans catarrh.

Citronella     Was A$ 7.95 A$ 7.16  
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Cymbopogan nardus

A yellowy brown liquid with a fresh powerful, lemony scent. The Java oil is colorless to pale with a fresh, woody-sweet fragrance.

Antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorant, diaphoretic, febrifuge, insecticide, tonic.

It has an uplifting effect and can help ease feelings of depression.

It can be used because of its antiseptic propertiesas an inhalation against colds, flu and minor infections. Its deodorant and stimulating properties always refresh sweaty tired feet, activating the whole body.

Clary Sage     Was A$ 17.95 A$ 16.16  
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Salvia sclarea

A fruity-floral-herbaceous, nutty and heavy fragrance.

Antidepressant, antispamodic, deodorant, emmenagogue,hypotensive, nervine, sedative, tonic and uterine.

This is an extremely valuable oil for treating nervousness, weakness, fear, paranoia and depression, yet remains stimulating, regenerative and revitalizing.

It can be used to centre and ground scattered thinking, absent-mindedeness and unrealistic ideas. It can also be used to encourage vivid dreams or even enhancing dream recall. It may be used in an evening bath, in an oil burneror a drop on the pillow.

It is also known to be used by people involved in creative work, as it opens the path to the unknown, unusual, creative and intuitive.

It helps with uterine problems such as easing pre mensrual syndrome, regulating scanty periods and easing painful cramps in the lower back. Also encourages labour, enabling the expectant mother to relax and eases post-natal depression.

Clary sage is considered quite useful during menopause when symptoms such as hot flushes, dizziness, headaches, night sweats and irritability.

Grapefruit     Was A$ 8.95 A$ 8.05  
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Citrus Paradisi

A fresh, sweet and citrucy aroma.

Antidepresant, antiseptic, depurative, diuretic, disinfectant, stimulant, tonic.

Grapefruit has an uplifting and reviving effect making it valuable in states of strees, depression and nervous exhaustion.

It is useful for treating water retention and ideal for treating cellulite. It has a stimulating effect on the digestive system.

Helpful in treating acne, congested and oily skin.

Juniperberry     Was A$ 15.95 A$ 14.35  
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Juniperus communis

Clear, refreshing and slightly woody.

Antiseptic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, astringent, stimulating, stomachic, depurative, vulneraryand rubefacient.

Clears, stimulates and strengthens the nerves. It purifies the atmosphere, supporting the spirit in challenging situations.

Great for clearing any negative energy. It is strongly recommended for people who feel a sense of uncleanliness in relation to their own lives.

Good for treating gout, arthritis and rheumatism. It is also a good oil for the treatment of cellulite. Juniper has a special affinity to the urino-genital tract, being the best choice for the traetment of cyctitis and pyelitis. Known to be relieving painful cramps before onset and is beneficial for regulating periods.

EUCALYPTUS      Was A$ 6.95 A$ 6.25  
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Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant depuratice, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypglycaemic,refubecient, stimulent, vermifuge and vulnerary.

Eucalyptus oil servesas are refreshing and stimulating substance. It also assists concentration.

It is traditionally one of the most valuable oils for treating the respiratory system. The essential oil is a good remedy for asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu as well as sinus problems and throat infections.

It is known to be a good remedy for muscular sorenessm rheumatism, headaches and nervous exhaustion.

FENNEL      Was A$ 7.95 A$ 7.16  
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Foeniculum vulgaris

Sweet aniseed-like fragrance.

The oil is said to give strength and courage in adversity.

It is one of the choices as a digestive remedy, being used to relieve nausea, flatulence, indigestion, colic and hiccups.

It detoxifies the body and used for the treatment of cellulite.

Fennel is traditionally used for treating gout and general bladder irritation due to high uric acid or stones. It has a potent oestrogenic activity and useful in regulating the menstrual cycle.

Try to avoid using this oil during breast feeding, oestrogen-dependant cancers, pregnancy and endometriosis.

FRANKINCENSE      Was A$ 30.95 A$ 27.86  
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Bosellia carteri

A warm, woody, sweet balsamic, spicy fragrance with a hint of lemon.

Frankincense slows down breathing and produces feelings of calm. This tends to bring an elevating and soothing effect on the mind. Ideally used for meditation, it has been discovered that burning frankincense produces a psycho-active substance which expands consciousness. Its comforting and refreshing action is helpful for anxious and obsessional states linked to the past.

It is effective for respiratory catarrhal discharge and congestion.

Its cytophylactic properties make it ideal oil for mature, wrinkled skin in need of a lift. Its astringent properties may also help balance oily skin conditions.

LAVENDER     Was A$ 19.95 A$ 17.95  
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Lavendula angustifolia

Floral, herbaceous, sweet scent with a balsamic woody undertone.

Analgesic, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, decongestant, hypotensive, sedative, sudorific, vulnerary, cordial, antiviral, antispasmodic, deodorant, cytophylactic and diuretic.

It definitely has strong sedative properties. Used for treating a variety of nervous and psychological disorders including depression, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension, hysteria and paralysis.

Lavender is useful to alleviate stress. It has been the focus of many clinical trials and is being used in many hospital wards as a massage oil, being vaporized to help dispel anxiety, and as an alternative to using orthodox drugs to help patients sleep.

It inhibits mycobacterium, tuberculosis, staphylococcus, gonococcus, typhoid and diphtheria.
Vaporised lavender will destroy pneumococcus and haemolytic streptococcus within 12 to 24 hours.

It lowers the blood pressure. Lavender has both sedative and tonic action on the heart.

It is widely used for burns and healing of the skin

LEMON     Was A$ 15.95 A$ 14.35  
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Citrus limon

Fresh, sharp and sweet citrus smell.

Anti-anaemic, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antisclerotic, antispasmodic, antistringent, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, haemostatic, hypotensive, insecticidal, rubifacient, tonic, vermifuge.

Refreshing and cooling when feeling hot and bothered. Improves the ability to concentrate more.

It lifts the spirit. Stimulating and clearing the mind and aids the decision making process..

LIME     Was A$ 9.95 A$ 8.96  
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Citrus medica

Lime oil has a fresh, sweet, citrus peel odour.

Antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, bactericide, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative and tonic.

Very refreshing and uplifting, ideal for fatigue and a tired mind. Very stimulating and activating especially where there is apathy, anxiety and depression.

Lime oil is a digestive stimulant. It has disinfectant properties so it is useful for treating sore throats and influenza.

MANDARIN     Was A$ 11.95 A$ 10.75  
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Citrus reticulata

Yellow, orange liquid with an intense sweet fresh citrus scent.

Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, cytophylactic, depurative, digestive, diuretic, sedative and tonic.

Its refreshing aroma has an uplifting quality often used to eliminate depression and anxiety.

Mandarin oil is mild sedative for the nervous system. It also has a tonic effect on the digestive system.

MARJORAM      Was A$ 16.95 A$ 15.25  
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Origanum marjorana

A warm, woody, spicy-camphoraceous odour.

Analgesic, anaphrodisiac, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericidal, carminative, caphalic, cordial, digestive, sedative, laxative, expectorant and vulnerary.

Marjoram has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves anxiety and stress. It is effective for insomnia especially when there is high blood pressure.

It has a warming and comforting effect on the heart.

It is recommended to those suffering from grief or loneliness. It diminishes the desire for sexual contact.

Good for rheumatic pains, sprains and strains.

MELISSA     Was A$ 21.95 A$ 19.75  
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Melissa officinalis

The scent is often described as being reminiscent of lemons, melissa has a uniquely warm and intensely radiant fragrance.

Melissa is an antidepressant, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cordial, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypotensive, nervine, sedative, stomachic, sudorific and tonic oil.

It is uplifting and antideprressant. It is also known to be a good antiviral oil.

Melissa may also be used to settle upset stomachs. Highly recommended for nausea and indigestion.

ORANGE     Was A$ 6.95 A$ 6.25  
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Citrus sinensis

A zesty and refreshing citrus fragrance.

Orange is known to be good antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, digestive, febrifuge, sedative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic oil.

The cheerful, sensuous and radiant nature of orange conveys warmth and happiness. It assists people to relax and unwind.

It is an ideal oil to use at home or for use as an introduction to aromatherapy.

It is recommende for the treatment of constipation and is helpful for treating chronic diarrhoea.

PATCHOULI     Was A$ 15.95 A$ 14.35  
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Pogostemon patchouli

A strong earthy and exotic fragrance.

Patchouli is an antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cyophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic oil.

It is one of the best oils for dealing with anxiety and depression.

Patchouli can help ground and integrate energy and keep us in touch with our physical selves.

It is good for fluid retension and cellulite. It also has significant deodorising effect.

It is a tissue regenerator. Helps skin regrowth and used for treating acne, eczema, fungal infections and scalp disorders.

ROSEMARY     Was A$ 10.95 A$ 9.85  
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Rosmarinus officinalis

Strong, clear and penetrating, refreshing and stimulating herbal fragrance.

Analgesic, antidepressant, astringent, carminative, cephalic, chologogue, cordial, digestive, diuretic, hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, rubefacient, stimulant, sudorific, tonic.

Rosemary is one of the best tonics for the central nervous system, strentgthening mental clarity and awareness. It is an excellent brain stimulant and has a long history of improving memory.

It is also known to be a good oil for low blood pressure. It may be used to help relieve cold feet, tired or weak legs and ciculatory problems of extremities.

SAGE     Was A$ 21.95 A$ 19.75  
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Salvia officinalis

Clear, herbal, camphorous and sharp essential oil.

Anti-inflamatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, digestive, diuretic, hypertensive, laxative, stomachic and tonic.

In small doses it has a calming effect on the nerves by soothing the parasympathetic nervous system. It is good for tiredness, depression and grief.

Used in massage oils, it will help relieve the aches and pains of rheumatism.

SANDALWOOD     Was A$ 19.95 A$ 17.95  
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Santalum album

Woody, sweet and exotic, subtle and lingering

Antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, sedative and tonic.

Sandalwood has a calming, harmonizing effect helping to reduce tension and confusion. It is an ideal remedy to use for nervous depression, fear, stress and a hectic daily lifestyle.

It is considered to be an aphrodisiac.

The oil also relieves intestinal spasm and inflammation and may be used in colic and gastritis.

It is good for dehydrated skin. Relieves itching and inflammation of the skin.

TANGERINE     Was A$ 12.95 A$ 11.65  
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Citrus reticulata blanco

A sweet, light and tangy aroma. The tangerine has a slightly weaker and more subtle aroma than mandarine.

Antiseptic, antispasmodic, cytophylactic, depurative, sedative, stomachic and tonic.

It is a relaxant and is helpful in alleviating stress and tension due to its soothing action on the nervous system. It can be used in the same way that mandarin is used.

It has a tonic effect on the digestive system, dealing with gastric complaints such as flatulence, diarrhoea, constipation.

It is a popular addition to a massage oil during pregnancy, helping reduce stretch marks, reducing fluid retension and stimulating circulation.

TEA TREE     Was A$ 8.95 A$ 8.05  
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Melaleuca alternifolia

Fresh and antiseptic, rather pungent.

Antimicrobial, antiseptic, bactericide, cicatrisant, expectorant, fungicide, insecticide, stimulant, sudorific.

It is an active ingredient against infectious organisms: bacteria, fungus and virus. It is an effective immuno-stimulant, so when the body is threatened with any of these organisms tea tree increases the body's ability to respond.

Widely used for cleaning dirty wounds, burns or weeping ulcers. It is very effective against fungal diseases such as: nail infection, athlete's foot, vaginitis, thrush and cradle cap.

Ten drops in a tumbler of water may be used as a gargle to help clear throat infections, mouth ulcers or to eliminate bad breath.

THYME     Was A$ 11.95 A$ 10.75  
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Thymus vulgaris

A rather sweet, warm and strongly herbal fragrance.

Antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericide, cardiac, carminative, cicatrisant, diuretic, expectorant, hypertensive, insecticide, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge.

Strengthens the nerves and aids in concentration. Revives low spirits and combats exhaustion. Thyme has the effect of closing down the psyhic mind in favour of the conscious, intellectual mind.

It is also used to regulate some instinctive reactions such as bulimia, anorexia, violence and fear.

Known to be good recipe for treating colds, coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, whooping cough and astma.

Thyme should not be used by anyone with high blood pressure.

YLANG YLANG     Was A$ 15.95 A$ 14.35  
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Cananga odorata

Sweet, floral, exotic and heavy.

Antidepressant, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, nervine and sedative.

It has very strong properties to bring a seductive, passionate, erotic and considerate personality features to the surface.

Ylang ylang has tension-relieving properties and it is particularly beneficial for nervous depression.

It is used for reducing rapid breathing and rapid heart beat. It is also ggod for lowering high blood pressure.

Widely used for treating PMS.